Moving in the x direction is indicated when the line showing the direction of translation of the text object in the workspace turns red. This is very useful in this case as we don’t want to move in the z direction, only in the xy plane. Note that when you are using this feature it can move in any direction you want, but the program will also snap to the x, y and z axis when you approach moving in these direction. To move the text around, use the ‘Move’ feature. Like before if you don’t have them available you’ll need to enable the toolbar, which in this case is the ‘getting started’ toolbar. This can be changed using the move and scale features. You may find now that the text isn’t the right size or in the correct position. This is so as you have a reference in 3d space as to where it is and can be moved from here. It is best to place this initially at the origin. Once you generate the text you have the immediate option of putting it into the workspace. Once you are happy with the settings you can hit place which generates the text in the workspace. To be flush with the coin it is best to keep this around the 1.5mm mark. This is how far the text will be extruded in the z axis. This will allow you to edit a value field below that of the height field. To make it 3d you need to make sure the extrude option is checked. A value of 10mm is a good starting point but this can be scaled later if it is not correct. The text box also has a value labelled as height, this is a measure of how tall the text is, in terms of xy axis.

This is because the printer will struggle to print the small details if you have a large amount of characters in your text. It is recommended that you keep the text as short as possible, your initials would be a good example. This is the text that we will place on the coin.

You will then be presented with a dialogue box asking you to enter text. This will add a set of 5 features at the top of the screen. To do this click on View -> Toolbars… and enable the ‘Construction’ toolbar. It may be already available towards the top of your screen but if not you probably need to enable the specific toolbar. To do this we will use a feature called 3d text. For this intro to CAD we will attempt to write some 3d text that will be placed on the surface of the coin.