360 total security remove ads at startup
360 total security remove ads at startup

360 total security remove ads at startup

If your machine starts OK using this option, no further action may be needed. The Last Known Good Configuration option on the Windows Advanced Options Menu starts your computer using the configuration it stored at the last successful closedown. If your computer's problem is so serious that it won't get as far as the Advanced Options Menu, skip to the section below on Windows Repair Installation. You may find it requires several restart attempts to get this menu to come up. Immediately start tapping the key until the Advanced Options Menu appears as shown below. To display this menu, you need to power off your computer and then restart it. The Windows Advanced Options Menu provides some alternative ways of running Windows when it won't start up normally. Various free utilities can be used to quickly repair corrupt Winsock problems, for example, LSP-Fix available from http /3. In some cases, the network connection may look as if it is partly working, for example, it gets assigned an IP address from the DHCP service, but application software such as a web browser cannot retrieve web pages. This may be because The Windows €˜Winsock€™ communications software has been damaged. If your system has had an adware or spyware infection removed, or you have uninstalled certain anti-virus products, you may find that the machine will no longer successfully connect to the internet. If your Windows system is working sufficiently well, you can just follow the section on What to Back Up. Some advice is given on doing this in a separate document. If your computer has the system problem, your first priority should be to make sure you have up-to-date backup copies of all your own files.

360 total security remove ads at startup